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What we do is a project of the National Consumers League (NCL), a nonprofit advocacy organization based in Washington, DC. NCL was founded in 1899 to promote the interests of consumers and workers in the United States and abroad. Over its long history, NCL staff have dedicated themselves to this mission through investigation, public interest advocacy, and consumer education.

2023 Top Ten Scams

Each year, the National Consumers League analyzes the thousands of complaints received at from consumers to track trends in scams and fight fraud. Learn about this year’s trends.


Fake Rx Action Center

Counterfeit drugs are on the market today, causing harm and even death. Get the important, life-saving tools you need to protect yourself and your loved ones from fake drugs and illegal online pharmacies


Contact our Experts is a project of the National Consumers League, the 120+ year old watchdog organization fighting for increased consumer protections. The NCL team that runs has decades of experience investigating scams and how criminals operate, monitoring trends, and counseling consumers.


Data Breach Epidemic

Data breaches have become a way of life for anyone who has ever used a credit or debit card. When hackers compromise data stored by retailers, agencies, and services, our personal info is exposed to future risks. What can you do to protect yourself?


Sign Up For Fraud Alerts Gets Results

Charlotte P., Florida

Total saved: $10,000 / Work-at-home scam
“I don’t know how to thank you, but if you were here I would give you a hug for saving me from getting ripped off. Thank you so much.”

William L., New York

Total saved: $3,000 / Sweepstakes scam
A scammer posing as a sweepstakes company had convinced William he’d won a $450K prize and by the time he contacted us, William had already wired $1,500 to the scammer for “fees.” staff helped William understand how the scam worked, and convinced him not to send more money, saving him another $3,000 in losses.

Kristie D., New York

Total saved: $2,500 / Craigslist scam
Trying to sell a piece of furniture on Craigslist, Kristie received a legitimate-looking cashier’s check for $2,800 to cover the purchase and shipping costs from a buyer named “David.” When David asked Kristie to cash the check and wire part of it back to a “shipping company,” Kristie became suspicious and contacted We intervened, explained how the scam worked, and saved her $2,500.

Trends We’re Tracking

Scammers capitalizing on online shopping boom with wave of package delivery fraud

With e-commerce on the rise, scammers have found a new way to target shoppers: Package delivery scams

Use caution when talking to ‘old friends’ on Facebook

Scammers are using Facebook’s Messenger service to try to defraud consumers by posing as long lost friends.

Utility shut-off scammers threaten to turn off the lights on consumers during pandemic

Don't fall for scammers tricking you out of hundreds or thousands of dollars through utility scams

Trends We’re Tracking

Scammers capitalizing on online shopping boom with wave of package delivery fraud

With e-commerce on the rise, scammers have found a new way to target shoppers: Package delivery scams

Use caution when talking to ‘old friends’ on Facebook

Scammers are using Facebook’s Messenger service to try to defraud consumers by posing as long lost friends.

Utility shut-off scammers threaten to turn off the lights on consumers during pandemic

Don't fall for scammers tricking you out of hundreds or thousands of dollars through utility scams